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Contact and donations

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Family Name:
Beit Yossi, David Yalin 3, Ashdod. Telefax 08.8531165 / 052.7202133 / 052.6080884
The organization in memory of Captain Yossi Ohana, z"l – (by post) 56/5 Rogozin Road, Ashdod, 77440 ISRAEL
פיתוח אינטרנט ואפליקציות - YIT
Beit Yossi, David Yalin 3, Ashdod. Telefax 08.8531165 / 052.7202133 / 052.6080884
The organization in memory of Captain Yossi Ohana, z"l – (by post) 56/5 Rogozin Road, Ashdod, 77440 ISRAEL
פיתוח אינטרנט ואפליקציות - YIT